How to sow carrots
• Carrots don’t like to transplant so only love to sown directly. Make sure to remove all stones from the soil. Try to mark out seed rows. Depth should be 1 cm with row -to- row distance 15cm.
• Seeds of carrot are very small, to make sowing seed easier one can mix the seed with dry sand, which will aid to seed come out within the rows.
• Label the row with variety and date.
• To sow in tubs, fill containers with potting soil then gently tap down to firm.
• Sowing seed should be on a thin layer of soil then cover with a 1cm layer of potting soil.
• Last step is to water and label it, wait for the day when seeds start to sprout out.
Harvesting carrots
• When carrot reaches the right size harvest them. The best sign is the size of the top of the root poking out of the soil.
• Harvest the alternate carrots so those left can grow bigger.
• For small sizer or finger-size carrot are easy to pull up, while chunkier types need some fork to harvest them.
• Dig up the roots twist off the foliage then store in boxes of damp sand kept in a cool, dark place.
• Crunchy, vibrant, and outrageously good for you. Nothing compares to garden-grown carrots.