Date of Sowing 12-09-20
Germination starts from 16-09-20
1st harvest on 20-10-20
Spinach belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family. Spinach is a cool climate crop with temperature requirements for seed germination as follows; minimum temp for seed germination is 2C with max germination temp 30C.
The Crop can be seeded in AUG & early Sep for September and October harvest. Lengthy and hot days are favorable for fast bolting in spinach.
Based on temp, moisture, and fertility; 40 -70 days are required to attain market size plant.
Spinach can grow on different soils. Good PH and high organic matter-containing soils are best suited for early and wintered over crops. We can also use peat soil to get a high yield.
Harvest of spinach starts normally 1st week of JUNE & continues until mid-July according to climate. Early Sept and late October recommended the fall crop.
Yield ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 kg/hectares. Normally Curled leaves are preferred for fresh marketing and smoother ones for processing. Nowadays for packaged spinach, smooth leaves are recommended.
It’s also used as a salad vegetable in Pakistan.
“Never eat spinach just before going on the air”
Dan Rather