Yes, Super Food contains up to 457-750 % of the daily value for vitamin A in less than one cup. Squash also have vitamin C, vitamin B6, and relatively high levels of magnesium, necessary to absorb calcium and mineral. Squashes are high in fiber relative... Continue reading
Cucumber is a highly cross-pollinating crop with a significant level of heterosis. Plant breeders are exploiting this heterosis by developing hybrid cultivars that yield higher than open-pollinating varieties (OPVs) and are generally preferred by the farmers. The first step of the hybrid development process is... Continue reading
Recognize the problem Red pumpkin beetle is a major pest of vegetables. Damage is caused by larvae as well as adults. Full-grown larvae are creamy white and the size of a human fingernail. Adults are orange-red and the same size as a house fly. Eggs... Continue reading
The gardener should pick easy grow lettuce variety, it can grow on a limited area with maximum production. • It’s included care-free crops. • Soil should have well drainage power with good water-retaining capacity. • Nitrogen and potassium-enriched soil are preferable for lettuce production in... Continue reading
Botanical Name Daucus carota Climate Cool season vegetable and is moderately frost tolerant. Best color carrots are produced when the temperature at the growth stage range between 15c and 20c, above or below this level carrot color develops slowly and tends to be rather yellow.... Continue reading
A nursery bed is a specially prepared portion of land put aside for raising seedlings. It acts as a temporary home for young plants until they are eventually planted in a permanent garden. Seeds that need extra care should be grown in a nursery. Also,... Continue reading
Temporary wilting is a condition when the amount of water lost from the plant during transpiration is greater than the amount of water absorbed from the soil. It is the loss of rigidity of non-woody parts of the plants. This occurs when the turgor pressure... Continue reading
How to sow carrots • Carrots don’t like to transplant so only love to sown directly. Make sure to remove all stones from the soil. Try to mark out seed rows. Depth should be 1 cm with row -to- row distance 15cm. • Seeds of... Continue reading